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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Hi-Def House Of Horror : 8 Reasons Why Haloween Is Better On Blu-Ray

Published at circuitcity.com on Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Written by ScottyWhy?

Circuitcity.com's Doug Hess is predicting that Blu-Ray will be a hot present this Christmas. I kept that in mind as I built this playlist of Halloween horror films that are must see in HD.

  1. 28 Days Later (2002) - Horror fans love the "slow zombie vs fast zombie" debate. For those who want their undead to run like Randy Moss, there is no better Hi-Def experience than 28 Days Later.

  2. American Psycho (2000) - The book is cooler than the movie. Paul Allen's business card is cooler than his co-workers. If Patrick Bateman were around today, he would be way too cool to not have a Blu-Ray player.

  3. Carrie (1976) - Classic horror films don't always translate well on Blu-Ray. This one does. I have three words for you...prom queen scene!

  4. Dawn Of The Dead (2004) - Since I'm a simple boy from Pittsburgh, I prefer the original. Having said that... the sea of zombies scene alone makes this version much better for HD viewing.

  5. Descent (2007) - You will realize within the first 15 minutes that the scares are way scarier on Blu-Ray.

  6. Evil Dead 2: Dead By Dawn (1987) - I'm pretty sure director Sam Raimi thinks in Hi-Def. This is HD cheese that came way before it's time.

  7. The Host (2006) - Blu-Ray makes it even clearer that the Asians are producing much better horror films than the Americans.

  8. The Shining (1980) - I'm not sure that Blu-Ray makes this classic any better. But honestly, does it really need any improvement?

What's gonna be in your Blu-Ray player this All Hallow's Weekend. Post a comment to this article and let us know.

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