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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

How To Skype

Published at circuitcity.com on Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Written by ScottyWhy?

Skype is an online communication tool that combines the best of instant messengers, telephones, video phones, conference calls and more. It's easy to use and many of it's functions are free or moderately priced.

The circuitcity.com/citycenter team uses Skype as a messaging tool, for online conference calls, to record interviews and remote podcasts. You can find us on Skype by searching the username "Circuit City City Center."

Skype has been around for several years and has gone through several strong upgrades, yet lots of people still don't know it exists. We thought we'd help you get started if your not already using this great service. This screencast will give you the basics on HOW TO SKYPE.

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