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Friday, December 12, 2008

How To Find Circuit City On iTunes

Published at circuitcity.com on Friday, December 12, 2008
Written by ScottyWhy?

"Tech Sandwich", Circuit City's tech and gadget Podcast, is now available on iTunes. Here's a quick "how to" that should help you get easily setup to use this simple and helpful tool.

Step #1: Download And Install iTunes
Go to apple.com.
Click "iPod + iTunes".
Click "Download iTunes".

On the Download page, click "Download Now".
On the Setup.exe, click "Save File".
Save file to a folder on your computer that you can easily find (I save all my downloads to a "My Programs" subfolder inside "My Documents". )

Navigate to folder and open the file.
Follow directions to install iTunes onto your computer.

Step #2: Search iTunes for "Tech Sandwich"
Once installed,click the new "iTunes" icon on your desktop.
Open iTunes.
Click "iTunes Store"
Click "Podcast"
Search "Tech Sandwich"

Click "Tech Sandwich" to open the podcast page.

Step #3: Subscribe To "Tech Sandwich"
On the Tech Sandwich page you can listen to individual episodes.
Click "Subscribe" so each new episode will automatically download each time you log onto iTunes.
Click "Get Episode" to download episodes manually.

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