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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Thanks For The Gadget I Got For Christmas: Samsung BDP-1500

Published at circuitcity.com on Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Written by ScottyWhy?

(This week is "Thanks For The Gadget" week on the Circuit City Blog. We want to pay respect to Santa Claus by sending him letters of appreciation for the great gadgets he brought us this holiday season. We invite you to play along by sharing your thoughts in the comments section of this blog post or by joining the discussion in the Circuit City Forum. I'll start things off by writing the first letter.)

Dear Santa,
I love my new Samsung Bluray player! This thing rocks!!!
My wife's parents gave me a Samsung BDP-1500 for Christmas. They are fantastic folks and really didn't have to give me anything this big (but I'm sooo glad they did.) I have to tell you, I couldn't wait to get home and hook it up. I already had a free HDMI cable running through my wall (an act of wishful thinking I guess.) It took a total of 5 minutes to get this thing out of the box and all wired in. I was watching HANCOCK on Blu-ray before my wife finished unpacking the car (just kidding, Wife.)

The picture quality on my HDTV is hypnotic. It's hard to turn away...even during the head-in-the-buttocks scene. The Samsung upconverts standard DVDs, so Dr. House looks extra cranky when I put in an old copy of "House-The First Season". I can't wait to see what "Thirteen" looks like on Blu-ray in the later seasons.

This thing also has "DTS-HD Master Audio", which means I probably should have kept that Onkyo HT-S3100 5.1 Home Theater System that I got for my parents. Guess that gives me something to hope for next year.

So thank you Santa (and my parents-in-law too) for making this a great Christmas!

Have a Fantastic New Year.

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